

You’ve never been average.

You’ve never sat out, blended in, or settled for the status quo.

So you know that you need to make your health a priority so that you can chase your dreams and do so in a body you’re wild about.

You also know that what you eat is key. But if it were that simple, you probably would’ve reached your goals by now.

Hormone Balance Made Easy Guide

Feeling exhausted, stressed, and struggling with hormonal imbalances?

Download my free guide and discover effective strategies for reducing stress and balancing hormones. This resource will help you overcome weight loss obstacles, improve your relationship with food, and manage PMS symptoms. You’ll also learn how to properly nourish your body to enhance performance and address burnout…

Hormone Balance Made Easy Guide

Feeling exhausted, stressed, and struggling with hormonal imbalances?

Download my free guide and discover effective strategies for reducing stress and balancing hormones. This resource will help you overcome weight loss obstacles, improve your relationship with food, and manage PMS symptoms. You’ll also learn how to properly nourish your body to enhance performance and address burnout…

Meet Ciara

I’m not your average nutritionist.

Hi, I’m Ciara Foy (pronounced Keera) – a 47-year-old Nutritionist, Author, and Women’s Health & Hormone Specialist. But I’m not your average nutritionist.

As a former corporate world insider turned entrepreneur, I intimately understand the health challenges faced by high achievers and hustlers. I’ve been there – battling mid-afternoon crashes from quick lunch fixes and foggy mornings after that “relaxing” glass of wine.

My mission? To help ambitious individuals like you transform their health and lives by revealing the direct connection between self-care and peak performance – not just at work, but in every aspect of life.

If you’re prepared to discover how GOOD it feels to revolutionize your approach to health, hustle, and mindset, you’re in the right place. Join me on this journey to elevate your performance and experience peak performance in all areas of your life.

Let’s redefine what it means to be a high achiever!

I’m not your average nutritionist.

Hi, I’m Ciara Foy (pronounced Keera) – a 47-year-old Nutritionist, Author, and Women’s Health & Hormone Specialist. But I’m not your average nutritionist.

As a former corporate world insider turned entrepreneur, I intimately understand the health challenges faced by high achievers and hustlers. I’ve been there – battling mid-afternoon crashes from quick lunch fixes and foggy mornings after that “relaxing” glass of wine.

My mission? To help ambitious individuals like you transform their health and lives by revealing the direct connection between self-care and peak performance – not just at work, but in every aspect of life.

If you’re prepared to discover how GOOD it feels to revolutionize your approach to health, hustle, and mindset, you’re in the right place. Join me on this journey to elevate your performance and experience peak performance in all areas of your life.

Let’s redefine what it means to be a high achiever!

The truth is,

you don’t need a WHY, you need a HOW.

You need a hearty dose of action and an expert to unleash your power and uplevel your guiding principles

(inside and out and beyond).


Get Started Below

Renew and Empower

Group Transformation Program

The Hormone

Empowered VIP

One-on-One Program

“Not only did she help me lose significant weight and transform my life, she helped me work towards building my dream business!”


I worked with Ciara for almost a year, first as a nutrition client and then she was my business mentor. Ciara was amazing in both capacities. Not only did she help me lose significant weight and transform my life, she helped me work towards building my dream business. Ciara is both compassionate and tough which is a rare combination in a coach or mentor. She knows when to listen and when to call you out on your excuses.

Ciara is one of the few people who has always believed in my ability to transition from a divorce lawyer into a wellness professional. I am still a work in progress, but her support, mentorship and savvy advice have been instrumental in my journey. I likely would have given up on pursuing my longtime dream if she hadn’t believed in me and kept me on track.


– Leanne Townshend


I worked with Ciara to help me regulate my hormones and get my nutrition on track and she was brilliant!

With her program and coaching I was able to cut out 90% of my hormonal issues (all naturally) and now feel better then I’ve ever had! No more PMS, sleeping better, no afternoon crashes, and I’m much more focused and happier.

I highly recommend working with her.

– Renee Warren

“Saying you have changed my life is an understatement”

I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for being apart of my support team. Saying you have changed my life is an understatement. You have given me hope, light and most importantly love. I wish we could change your title to ‘holistic life changer’ the nutritionist title really isn’t cutting it right now; you are so much more. I don’t know what I did in my life to deserve to cross your path but I feel so blessed ❤️. Thank you Ciara

– Lauren Magda

It’s time for an

Internal Shift.

It’s time to let go of the excuses and the gimmicky diet fads. And it’s time to start craving those things that actually make you feel GOOD. And it all starts with two magic words that will make you an even bigger badass: self care. If you’re ready to make your health and life unstoppable and unforgettable.

I’ve got you.

Ciara asked me to trust her and trust the process. I did. Now, 6 months later, I’m down 40lbs!

I came to Ciara desperate to lose 30lbs. I had done intermittent fasting for years and completely messed up my metabolism. I had tried on my own to fix my eating, and any time I ate more, I ended up gaining more weight. I expressed that concern with Ciara, and she assured me she never had anyone gain weight once they started working with her.

I want you to know she was right. Even though I was eating what felt like a shit-ton of food a day, I only ever lost weight. Bizarre, I know! But the macros she puts you on, how you balance each meal with the protein carbs and fats—make all the difference vs. just eating more and not being intentional about those ratios.

Ciara asked me to trust her and trust the process. I did. And now, 6 months later, I’m down 40lbs. It was hard, but being consistent every day was the trick. Consistently eating what she told me, in the proper ratios, at the proper time did the job for me. It will do the same for you and everyone else!


Five months later I had lost 18 pounds healthfully, quit sugar and am now in the best shape of my life at 48!

As soon as I started working with Ciara, I asked questions and sought her guidance in all areas of life. I had found myself 25 pounds overweight and tired, addicted to sugar, as well as a relationship that wasn’t serving me. I had lost both parents just prior to reaching out and I needed support! I worked with Ciara daily and I instantly started feeling better, losing weight and feeling healthier. Five months later I had lost 18 pounds healthfully, quit sugar and am now in the best shape of my life at 48.

I have literally changed the course of my life with her support. I have worked with many coaches and therapists before (and am one myself) but had somehow neglected the foundation of the physical in a real way- ie my sleep, food, sugar… exercise lifestyle, commitment to it etc… and with this foundation, I can now tackle what life is seriously about – thriving in health and abundance… with a good night’s sleep!! Thank you Ciara. You’re a true Wonder Woman!


My whole outlook on health, nutrition and self care has changed!

Working with Ciara Foy was truly one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I was suffering with weight gain, burn out, exhaustion, and anxiety.

Since working with Ciara, my whole outlook on health, nutrition and self care has changed. She not only helps you through each challenge but she teaches and arms you with the tools you need to make positive healthy life changes that are sustainable.

I felt supported and energized while working with Ciara

The first thing I noticed about Ciara that set her apart from others was that I felt an instant connection with her. She is so personable and immediately put me at ease.

The knowledge I gained from Ciara in such a short amount of time is amazing! Nutrition can be confusing and Ciara breaks it down and makes it easy to understand and apply to my everyday life. I look forward to continuing my health journey with Ciara!

Karen Harrie

 Downtown Toronto Ciara Foy Nutritionist

Thank you Ciara for helping my miracles come true!

I started to work with Ciara right before my second pregnancy. I was having trouble conceiving and Ciara suggested some natural remedies to regulate my hormones and stress.

Well believe it or not- the month before I was about to embark on IVF treatments, we became pregnant with TWINS naturally! Once I became pregnancy, Ciara coached me on how to balance my blood sugar via the food I ate, so that I would not get gestational diabetes. Since I had it with my first, my Obgyn told me he was 99% sure I would get it again.