It may be snowing and cold outside, but I’m ready to shoot some videos and slay this Monday! It’s amazing how aligned action can cause so much joy! And let’s be honest, smiling just feels good! So many fabulous things coming your way, my loves! ...
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right,” Henry Ford In this video I speak about your internal dialogue and how the word “can’t” is keeping you stuck. Learn exactly what you need to do TODAY to start moving forward! ...
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right,” Henry Ford In this video I speak about your internal dialogue and how the word “can’t” is keeping you stuck. Learn exactly what you need to do TODAY to start moving forward! ...
Me when anyone tries to school me on the BEST “diet” for everyone. Newsflash peeps! None of us are the same and what works for you today will change based on lifestyle, stress, hormonal, age, exercise sleep and about a million other factors. That’s why I...