Podcast Episode 001: Introducing The Empowered Feminine Podcast

Welcome to The Empowered Feminine podcast, with your host Ciara Foy. As a mother, author, nutritionist, and women’s health expert, Ciara is committed to helping other women tame their hormonal chaos, balance stress, and become unstoppable. In this initial episode, Ciara tells us more about herself and her passion in the field of holistic health, nutrition, and helping women overcome burnout to live in their highest potential. It’s going to be exciting, raw, and eye-opening, so welcome to the show. 

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On the Empowered Feminine Podcast, you will learn more about: 

  • Ciara’s background, and why her passion for health and hormone balance led her to a career as an online holistic nutritionist and coach. 
  • Why high functioning women often suffer from burnout, and the toll it can take on their career, health, and relationships. 
  • A glimpse into a few of the impactful and life-changing conversations Ciara has had over the last 20 years that have led her down a path of natural health and building confidence to trust herself as a woman.
  • What sets natural and holistic health apart as a way to really get down to the root cause of what is happening, rather than just covering up symptoms.
  • Ciara opens up about her own struggles and challenges of gut health, burnout, boundaries, and the dance between feminine and masculine energy.
  • How what we eat has so much to do with our self-love and care for our bodies.


  • “As women, we can’t always do, force, and push our way through life. That approach always leads to burnout.”
  • “Truth has a frequency.”
  • “Put the oxygen mask on you before you help anyone else.”

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