Fruit, is it healthy or just another type of sugar you should avoid?

Meet Ciara Foy
Toronto Nutritionist and Hormone Specialist Ciara Foy helps overachievers understand their health. By assisting them to prioritize their internal life and create room for self-care, she gets them on track towards becoming their happiest, healthiest, most productive selves.
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My favourite pineapple smoothie is pineapple, coconut water, avocado, and spinach!
I’ve heard it’s better to avoid eating fruit after 2 PM. Do you agree with that?
With the prevalence of low carb and zero carb diets, it’s so nice to hear some solid info like this. Extremes are never good!
What brand of coconut yogurt do you like? Sorry for the late question! My phone died while I was typing it.
Yes the almond ones are very “jelly” like haha
I’m not sure my questions went through. The first is I’ve heard it’s best not to eat fruit after 2 PM. Do you agree? And I also struggle with finding the right level of sodium. I’m vegan/gf and I feel like I am very sensitive to it!
That’s my favorite!
As long as the quality of salt is good and avoiding processed foods
you shouldn’t experience any issues with sodium 🙂
I avoid the meat substitutes, but do buy crackers and hummus, etc.
I don’t eat processed vegan meat, my comment was a response to the Himalayan sea salt :).
Thank you for sharing your info and answering my questions!
I have not! I love that idea, thank you!
I should have mentioned, I’m talking about WHOLE fruit. If you drink juice or blend a lot of fruit in a smoothie, without balancing it with fat and protein…..that’s really concentrating the sugars and not something I recommend. Always eat your whole fruit and drink water 🙂
So a couple of almonds with a banana is good?
As mentioned I would try to use tropical fruit in smoothies be side they have more sugar, so better if they are balanced out with fat, protein, extra fiber. For a snack, I’d choose a lower glycemic fruit like berries or an apple which can more easily be balanced with a serving of almonds.
When you say healthy fat what do you mean?