Podcast Episode 020: How To Have It All Without Sacrificing Your Health

Ciara welcomes Sarah Makhomet, a busy business woman, single mother, and health inspiration. While founding and building a multi-million dollar business and raising her child as a single parent,

Sarah has always put a high price on health. This week, she shares her methods for taking impeccable care of herself, how her upbringing in the Soviet Union created a foundation for self care, and

how to stay focused through the work at home orders due to the pandemic. Sarah is an example to all of us that health is actually our number one priority for a successful life, not something that

should be sacrificed.

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In this episode, you will learn more about:

  • As the founder of Dominion Lending Centres in Canada and a single mother, Sarah has a lot on her plate. If she finds a way to put a premium on health, so can you.
  • If you have health as your value system, you can use it to propel yourself forward.
  • You don’t have to sacrifice yourself and your health to reach your dreams.
  • Sarah shares how she always has food on the go that keeps her feeling satiated and full.
  • How to squeeze in some movement and exercise even during a 12 hour work day.
  • How Sarah’s upbringing in Communist Ukraine and Soviet Union affected her view on taking care of herself and keeping healthy habits as part of her normal.
  • When you create healthy habits early, it’s something that becomes part of your value system.
  • We have to work for the things that are important to us.
  • How to navigate the added stress from work from home orders due the pandemic and even have fun with showing your children that great health is of utmost importance.
  • How Sarah manages her schedule as someone with major time constraints.
  • Taking care of yourself is not an either or. If you want to work at a high level long term, you need to take care of yourself.
  • Advice for setting up boundaries around your non negotiables, including sleep.
  • Health is the #1 area of success in our life, even more than money or outside achievement.


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The Hormone Solution


Dominion Lending Centres