Podcast Episode 046: Boost Your Libido and Harness Your Feminine Power

Boost Your Libido and Harness Your Feminine Power

This week, Ciara starts the show talking about the importance of taking a break when you need it. Then, she introduces the very special topic for this week –

discovering our true feminine nature and standing in our power in all ways. She shares why so many women suffer from a low libido, and a few of the root

causes that she typically sees when working with her clients. Ciara shares practical (and easy!) ways to boost your sex drive, and opens up about what she’s

learned about her own body and self through her personal relationships.

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In this episode, you will learn more about:

  • Yes, it is important to be consistent and disciplined about your self care, but that includes also knowing when to take a break.
  • So often, society makes us feel ashamed of the things that are actually divine gifts.
  • What are some of the reasons why a woman would have a low libido, from both an emotional and physical perspective?
  • You don’t need to be your goal weight or perfect body type to start loving yourself and treating your body, mind, and spirit with respect.
  • Ciara gives a few client testimonials, including one powerful woman who went from low testosterone and fatigued to winning cross fit competitions.
  • It comes back to self love. Self love is taking care of yourself and following through with your promises. This will play into how you feel about your body and body image.
  • Feel like you are stuck in your masculine energy? You can start today to welcome a more feminine and receptive way of being.
  • What is polarity in a relationship, and why is it so important?

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