Podcast Episode 51: Coaching: Know Your Worth, Go Deep, and Bet On Yourself

Coaching: Know Your Worth, Go Deep, and Bet On Yourself

This week’s conversation is targeted towards coaches, or those charging for their services. Ciara talks about her journey of risking it all by betting on herself, and how that created a path for others to

trust her with their transformation and vulnerabilities. She shares the best mindset when it comes to having success in charging others a premium fee, and why those that have more skin in the

game tend to be more committed.

In this episode, you will learn more about:

  • The coaching business is really of service, but it can feel awkward at first to charge for helping someone with their health. However, being the trusted person someone goes to for their transformation is invaluable, and one of the biggest gifts you can offer.
  • You have to get into the mindset that you are the best at what you do, and you are worthy of it.
  • How did buying the two weight loss clinics help Ciara get comfortable with being uncomfortable?
  • You really have to be willing to bet on yourself and invest in yourself.
  • How did the bestseller Think and Grow Rich give Ciara a new perspective on the mindset of wealth?
  • How do you make it feel as though you are talking to your best friend, instead of selling a program?
  • What people really need is support. It’s not that they need more information. They are overloaded with information.
  • Ask yourself — what are you investing in? How are you investing in yourself?

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