
Podcast Episode 62: Interrupting Patterns and Embracing Duality with Adele Tevlin

Interrupting Patterns and Embracing Duality with Adele Tevlin

Welcome to a new season! Ciara is thrilled to quantum leap right into this conversation with her long-time friend, Adele Tevlin. Adele is the founder of the transformational development company C.E.O. Blueprint, where she helps people create the life and business of their dreams.

In this episode, Ciara and Adele talk about the importance of holding duality in your life and why it’s so critical to your success, the laws of the universe, and what to do when you feel “stuck”.

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In this episode, you will learn more about:

  • What are the laws of the Universe, and what does it mean to live your life according to the laws?
  • When the going gets tough, that is the exact time you DON’T want to just give up and take it too easy on yourself.
  • Ciara and Adele talk about their non-negotiables such as sleep, nutrition, and fitness, and how they double down on those during even more stressful and challenging times.
  • What does it mean to embrace the duality of life?
  • Adele talks about her C.E.O. Blueprint course and how it helps people get unstuck and into playing big instead of shrinking to their (or society’s) limiting beliefs.
  • The idea is that every problem has a solution. Once you really get that, it’s mind-blowing!
  • The power of mantras and affirmations when used correctly.
  • God didn’t give me a problem without the solution being present. It’s like, if you really sit with that concept, it’ll be absolutely lif-altering.
  • The power of truly accepting what it frees you up to think about what is next.


  • “In the universe, there’s always the flip side.” – Adele
  • “The universe is always testing your readiness for the next level.” – Adele
  • “In society, we are taught that when life gets hard, people are told to give up on themselves.” – Ciara
  • “When we push back and we fight against what is, we give away our power.” – Ciara
  • “We are a society addicted to comfort.” – Adele
  • “Sleep, nutrition, and fitness. I never drop more than one.” – Ciara


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The Hormone Solution


Adele Tevlin

C.E.O. Blueprint